Thursday 18 July 2013

Why to Use Coconut Oil for Vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo treatment options are many. Some of the treatments for vitiligo are natural and some are scientific. One of the natural treatments for vitiligo is the use of coconut oil. Coconut oil helps a lot in curing vitiligo. There are many reasons to use coconut oil for vitiligo treatment.

Vitiligo as it is known is a skin disorder that enables white spots to appear on the skin. This means that the skin has to get pure in order to get rid of vitiligo. Coconut oil has ample amount of benefits for the skin and certainly results in the treatment of vitiligo.

Coconut oil moisturizes the skin and kills all the germs in the skin.  The retaining capacity of coconut oil is high moisture and works as a perfect moisturizer for your skin and especially if you are suffering from vitiligo.  The coconut has high content of fats in it and this is why it works as an emollient and provides a soothing effect on the skin. This results in the reduction of white spots from the skin. The white patches are healed and soften quickly because of the use of coconut oil.

Coconut oil helps in the regimentation of the skin and re-pigments the skin. It covers the pigment loss from the skin and it results in the increased production of melanocytes in the skin. The increased production of melanocytes makes the skin better and better and soon the white spots begin do disappear.

 Coconut oil nourishes the skin in the best way possible. There are fatty acids in the coconut oil, which are absorbed by the skin when it is applied. The fatty acids give energy and nutrition to the skin that increases the immunity of the skin and helps the skin fight against the white spots. All the energy that your skin needs to fight against vitiligo is given by coconut oil.

 Coconut oil has antibacterial properties which removes all the bacteria from the skin. It also restricts the microbe quantity in the skin and cleans up several white spots.   The antioxidant properties of a coconut oil remove all the wrinkles and lines from the skin, which makes the skin, look younger than ever.

Coconut oil makes a barrier on the skin that holds the moisture on the skin. It goes in the inner layer and makes the connective tissues of the skin stronger. It also revives the dead cells in the skin and makes the skin smooth.

The biggest advantage of coconut oil in vitiligo treatment is that it has no side effects at all. Coconut oil will be of no harm to your skin. It is one of the few remedies for vitiligo and has no side effects. Coconut oil can be used for all the skin types without any worry.
With so many benefits of coconut oil for treating vitiligo, there are no doubts that why coconut oil is used as natural method for recovery of vitiligo. 


  1. I want to help others who have vitiligo. Recently I started using coconut oil (either the raw type or the virgin coconut oil). It has removed a long term mole on my face. Now I am trying on white spots (perhaps it is vitiligo or due to sweat being doused with cold water...the Chinese calls them sweat spots).

    I also told a cleaner at the church to apply coconut on his body. He had extensive vitilgo but remains cheerful. If anyone has before and after stories of being helped, please post them on this blog. Thanks

  2. I suffer from vitiligo and would like to know if anyones cured or treated it with coconut oil ?it would be extremely helpful if someone could comment their story.thank u god bless u all.

  3. Did anyone had used coconut oil as a treatment and worked ? Plz tell us

  4. I wish I could show my before and after but coconut oil is a/the miracle worker with Gods help I'm sure

  5. I just bought the coconut oil, i will start using it today, i pray to God that it will help ! Im tired of all the makeup i have to apply DAILY to cover the white patches on my face 😳

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  8. Do anyone know how to upload pictures

  9. A year ago I developed vitilligo due to too much stress. One of my causins had vitiligo 75% of his body. He told me about a tea he was drinking I started drinking 4 months ago and very slowly I am getting my color back. The tea name is just Quinoa in a purple box. Made by Centro botanico AZTECA S.A. DE C.A. I PAID LIKE 4 DOLLARS FOR THE BOX IN MEXICO.

  10. A year ago I developed vitilligo due to too much stress. One of my causins had vitiligo 75% of his body. He told me about a tea he was drinking I started drinking 4 months ago and very slowly I am getting my color back. The tea name is just Quinoa in a purple box. Made by Centro botanico AZTECA S.A. DE C.A. I PAID LIKE 4 DOLLARS FOR THE BOX IN MEXICO.

  11. A year ago I developed vitilligo due to too much stress. One of my causins had vitiligo 75% of his body. He told me about a tea he was drinking I started drinking 4 months ago and very slowly I am getting my color back. The tea name is just Quinoa in a purple box. Made by Centro botanico AZTECA S.A. DE C.A. I PAID LIKE 4 DOLLARS FOR THE BOX IN MEXICO.

  12. A year ago I developed vitilligo due to too much stress. One of my causins had vitiligo 75% of his body. He told me about a tea he was drinking I started drinking 4 months ago and very slowly I am getting my color back. The tea name is just Quinoa in a purple box. Made by Centro botanico AZTECA S.A. DE C.A. I PAID LIKE 4 DOLLARS FOR THE BOX IN MEXICO.

  13. Leucoderma treatment or vitiligo cure is a treatment to prevent the spread of white spots on the skin.


  14. only for women ???? what about men?? Are they god ??
    Anything in this world apply only for women???what a joke. change ur thinking man.

  15. How to apply this coconut oil , pls let me know

    1. is best treatment... i used and almost 50% spots are restored with original color.

  16. Hi
    The coconut oil does work in vitiligo.

    My 6 years old sun also has vitiligo. we spotted it only few months back. visited skin specialist (private practitioner). Who prescribed lots of costly medicines. We could see the change of skin when some of the ointment applied but later again same color appears.
    we took second option from a re-known Govt hospital in Delhi (AIIMS). The doctor advised to stop medicines prescribed by the private practitioner and
    further advised to use coconut oil and also prescribed only one ointment.
    it is only few weeks we have applied the coconut oil and the ointment. We can see the visible change in his skin. Doctor did say that the change will be very slow and we need to have patience.
    but one thing to be noted that the vitiligo is common in children and may be cured faster that the adult.

  17. Goosefoot is a sort of vegetable, belongs to genus chenopodium, which grows in numerous parts in the world. They are rank-smelling, weedy plants. This plant also contains a number of clusters of flowers and rich in vitamins, protein, minerals, and folic acid and you can take benefit of this ingredient for Vitiligo Natural Treatment without any side effects.

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  19. 9 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil Daily

    (3 of these are shocking)

    Plus, Four “Common Yet Dangerous” Oils You Should Never Eat... If You Want to Heal, Beautify and Restore Your Body!

    Before World War II, the tasty coconut had been used to help alleviate:

    1) Coughs
    1) Constipation
    1) Malnutrition
    1) Skin infections
    1) Toothaches
    1) Earaches
    1) Flus
    1) And more!

    1)Coconut Oil Contains the Healthiest Substance on Earth!
    Coconut Oil Fuels Your Metabolism!
    Coconut Oil Boosts Your Thyroid!
    Coconut Oil Protects and Beautifies Your Skin!
    Coconut Oil Can Save Your Brain!
    Coconut Oil Fights Cancer!
    Coconut Oil is the Ultimate Detox!
    Coconut Oil is Amazing for Heart Health!
    Coconut Oil Makes Yeast Yield to Its Health-Promoting Powers!

    For more info please click on the following link: 9 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil Daily?

    Thanks again.

  20. I guess anything is possible but it sounds highly suspect to me.
    Am I the only one who noticed that this article comes across as though it was written by a 12 yr old?

    Where are the case studies to support this suspicious claim?
    I've had vitiligo all my life. Started when I was 3 & I'm in my mid 50's now.
    Now my oldest brother has recently been plagued by this frustrating disorder which wages a psychological assault on it's victims.

    It can start at anytime in life & affect just about anyone.
    They believe it's a problem that stems from the thyroid.

    Anyway, I will give it a try Bcuz I have nuthin to lose & at least I'll smell pretty nice but I'm not very optimistic about the results.

    I promise to come back & write my apology in bold type if I'm wrong but don't hold UR breath.
    There doesn't appear 2B any medical evidence to support their claim here.

    We'll see. Some of the replies sound encouraging but they always do... even for those products that never work.

  21. I started using coconut oil about a month ago to moisturize and I notice my pigment coming back. At first I didn't know why my pigment was coming back. I read up on coconut oil and vitiligo and realize the coconut oil was helping. I'll take some before pic and see what happens in a couple of months.

    1. Hello, did it really work for you?

  22. Jessie, How is your coconut oil treatment working on vitiligo after 4 months of use? You promissed to send before and after photos.

  23. Some patients just rely on Natural Treatment of Vitiligo to manage their skin condition. Let me share to you some of the popular natural home remedies for vitiligo with Aloe Vera gel.

  24. Thanks for the wonderful informative article. I have found that turmeric is also very beneficial. I am consuming 1200mg per day of curcumin extract capsules everyday from last 2 months along with a gluten, dairy free diet and regular yoga. I am hopeful for good results. Also I am using virgin coconut oil for body massage. Turmeric (Curcumin) for Vitiligo

    1. Dear Ashish, be careful about use of turmeric. Turmeric is good for other things but It may increase vitiligo. Many Indians who use turmeric much are prone to developing vitiligo. I advise u stop it and use only coconut oil. You may grind finely black pepper and add to the coconut oil. Just my two cent advice.

  25. I have a little problem with this post. Curing vitiligo IN 15 days is questionable. Pigmentation is a slow process. This is not acne, but vitiligo treatment. It takes at least 6months to treat vitiligo.Even this depends on how long the vitiligo has been there.
    Whatever you are trying for vitiligo should be used for 12 months consistently before you can make any conclusion on its workability OR not. Anyone who is not ready to be serious for 12 months should forget treating vitiligo. Results will begin after 6-9 months. But suddenly, the white spots will begin disppear.

  26. Let me advise again. Apart from topical treatment, the major principle about vitiligo treatment is to first detoxify your body, use whatever u can to increase immunity of the body, avoid acidic and spicy things. Use vitamin c supplement daily, vitamin D and folic acid which must be with B12. Avoid stress. Sleep early. You will be surprised to begin to see the changes. But be warned, looking for immediate change within a few weeks will be frustrating. Just use these Asians a lifestyle without even looking for result. When the results begin, you will be shocked. I am speaking from experience of 50 years!

  27. Let me advise again. Apart from topical treatment, the major principle about vitiligo treatment is to first detoxify your body, use whatever u can to increase immunity of the body, avoid acidic and spicy things. Use vitamin c supplement daily, vitamin D and folic acid which must be with B12. Avoid stress. Sleep early. You will be surprised to begin to see the changes. But be warned, looking for immediate change within a few weeks will be frustrating. Just use these Asians a lifestyle without even looking for result. When the results begin, you will be shocked. I am speaking from experience of 50 years!

  28. I suffer from vitiligo then my recommended to Cream for Vitiligo i can use 3times perday it makes the spot smaller and smaller till its gone really your skin is getting clear.

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  30. Very useful blog dear: please let me mention my comment here.. Vitligo oil is natural remedy of white skin spots on skin.oil is especially refined for fast re pigmentation of skin disorder. Anti vitiligo oil ingredients work effectively on every type of skin.

  31. Vitiligo is a type of skin disorder, which occurs when there is loss of Melanin in the skin cells. Use this oil to Improves the melanogenesis in the skin and Increases tyrosinase activity.
    oil for vitiligo

  32. If you want to get in touch with the finest Vitiligo doctor who never compromise with the quality of treatment and always provide the best results then visit Dr Mohan Skin & Hair Centre as we are having an extremely educated and experienced vitiligo doctor called Dr. Mohan Singh.

  33. If you are having irregular white patches on your skin, then it could be reason of vitiligo condition. Contact Dr. Mohan Singh for the best White Patch Treatment with best results.

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  40. Great blog about vitiligo. I have read your blog and you explain everything so properly. Thanks for sharing such information.
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